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Muskan Garg | Take Action, Make Mistakes, Learn and Repeat...

Muskan Garg: Overcoming Challenges and Transforming the Digital Marketing Landscape

After leaving her job as an SEO specialist at a digital marketing agency, Muskan Garg decided to strike out on her own. Little did she know that COVID-19 was about to turn her world upside down. Returning to her hometown, where the entrepreneurial spirit was practically non-existent, she found herself utterly alone. No mentors, no peers in her field—just Muskan and her dream.

Navigating this new world was tough. She had the SEO skills, sure, but running a business? That was an entirely different beast. Mistakes were made, lessons were learned, and there was a lot of trial and error. The online world offered a ton of advice, but figuring out who to trust was a challenge in itself. Despite countless stumbles and setbacks, Muskan kept pushing forward. The post-COVID grind was slow and tough without a support system, but embracing imperfection and taking consistent action helped her grow and overcome the odds.

Growing up in a family of business folks, entrepreneurship was in her blood. Working as an SEO specialist made her realize she didn’t want to clock in for someone else—she wanted to create something of her own. This realization sparked her journey into the entrepreneurial world.

Based in Gurugram now, Muskan works as an independent SEO strategist and consultant with clients from all over the globe. The pride she feels when her work makes a real difference and earns respect is invaluable. Her journey has been nothing short of remarkable. Over the past five years, she’s worked with more than 20 clients, helping some achieve over a million impressions monthly and ranking for over 545 keywords. She’s collaborated with big names like Hero, Chai Kaapi, Newcom, menPsyche, JKJ Jewellers, Rosh Aesthetics, Facethetics Beauty, Grocious, Central Town, Sigma, and more.

Her mantra is simple: take action, make mistakes, learn, and repeat. Consistency, she believes, beats raw talent any day. This philosophy has guided her through the ups and downs of her career. Her achievements are a testament to the power of persistence and learning from failure.

In the dynamic world of digital marketing, especially SEO, Muskan finds her passion. She loves what she does but is frustrated by the misinformation that spreads in the industry. Sharing accurate knowledge is vital to her, as she aims to rise above the noise and contribute meaningful insights.

Today, Muskan plans to build her own digital marketing agency while growing her personal brand. Genuine connections and an expanding network are key to her vision. Her message to fellow entrepreneurs is simple but powerful: make mistakes, learn fast, and take action even faster. Success comes from trying, failing, and pivoting—embracing this cycle is crucial for growth.

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