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The Inspirational Journey of "Me No Pause" Co-Authors

Unleash the power within you! 'Me-No-Pause' is an inspiring collection of true stories that will captivate your heart and ignite your spirit. These empowering individuals have overcome countless obstacles, refusing to pause or surrender in the face of adversity. Their journeys will inspire you to embrace self-empowerment, believe in yourself, and trust your instincts. Dive into a world of wisdom, truth, and courage as you discover life's greatest lessons through their experiences. With each tale of triumph, you'll gain the tools to overcome challenges and build unshakable strength for the future. Let these stories shape your own journey towards empowerment. 'Me-No-Pause': A reflection of resilience and an invitation to unlock your true potential.

"Me No Pause" is an empowering co-authored book that shares inspiring stories of women and the men who support empowerment. Written with heartfelt dedication, the authors pour their emotions, struggles, triumphs, pain, and joy into each chapter, creating a sense of community and support. Experience the raw and genuine journey of empowerment within the pages of "Me No Pause."

The birth of co-authoring our book "Me No Pause was a truly emotional experience. It all started in September of 2022 during the completion of our Retirement Lifestyle Mastermind program, which had participants from India, Malaysia and Sri Lanka. On the last day of the program, Greeja De Silva, a participant from Malaysia a coach and author enthusiastically proposed that all of us co-author a book together. Her argument was that as industry veterans, we had so much to share with the world which could definitely inspire others. Writing a chapter each was doable, as compared to writing a full book. This idea sparked interest among all of us. Greeja painstakingly took the time and effort to personally reach out to each of us and our co-authoring journey began.

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