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Suprabha Gupta | The Entrepreneurs of India Womenpreneur Magazine July 2022

Did you know that there is a field of study devoted to analyzing people’s handwriting, drawings, and even signatures that shed light on their strengths and weaknesses? Graphology is a science that

reveals traits about a person purely based on the way they write, not what they write. A fairly

unexplored field, graphology remains rather unknown and uncommon among career choices.

Suprabha was one of the few who ditched traditional career paths and decided to become a

graphologist. After completing her MBA in Singapore, she came across graphology and was rather intrigued by it. She then went on to study graphology and attained a diploma in it. Now she is a professional and passionate graphologist and entrepreneur who started “Happy Living”. “Happy Living” provides

customers with graphology, grapho-therapy, and handwriting improvement.

One of the major challenges Suprabha faced while establishing her brand, was the lack of awareness surrounding graphology and the constant misconception that it is related to astrology. However, she didn’t let this hold her back, her zeal and patience kept her positive that one day her

work will be appreciated and acknowledged.

Today, Suprabha has created a customer base for herself, and awareness has spread through word of mouth. She has been lucky as her family has always supported her and is very proud that she is a working and independent entrepreneur.

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