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Akshay V Masurekar | The Entrepreneurs of India Magazine May 2022

Initially, Akshay V Masurekar was the Head of L&D in a multinational company where he had the opportunity to work with people across all levels, helping them grow professionally. “Through my introspective journey, I had kind of developed a strong relationship with my emotions.” Through his workshops and coaching sessions, he found his life’s calling, and in 2019, he moved out of his job to start SAMAKSH Wellness.

During the initial days, he facilitated quite a few sessions on Leadership Development and Customer Experience but eventually transitioned his company into a wellness start-up after a major health scare in Jan 2020.

Through my interactions, I realized that wellness goes beyond Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual health. The common factor missing in their life was their ability to accept themselves for who they were. People need to accept themselves for who they are if they wish to get unstuck and move forward. Thus, by Oct 2021, I Redefined Wellness as Being Your Authentic Self. Since then, our interventions have been around helping people Become their Authentic selves.

Akshay often recommends people make mistakes and be fine with failing. “Mistakes and Failures teach us the basics of life and we need to put those learnings into practice.” Many times, people will not respond to your messages or even to your posts, videos or articles and that is perfectly fine, one should keep up the hope and continue trying.

He says “You will come across two types of people, the ones who support you and the ones who may discourage you. Respect both these types, they are there for a reason – to help you learn your life lessons”.

Like every other family, his family too was skeptical. But they supported his decision after he convinced them. “My wife has been my strongest pillar of support. She is my Co-Founder and Chief Strategic Officer.”

He suggests that all those who have started their venture or are in the process of starting it should convince their families about their decision with confidence.

“Your family needs to know your reasons behind starting on your own and that you need them and their support.” The onus is always on the entrepreneur to get people on board – be it family, clients, or team.

Fortunately for him, the resources available were enough to start his business. “I am also grateful to my previous company for sending work my way during my initial days. This helped me set up my business.”

The biggest challenge they’re facing to date is to establish themselves as a unique Wellness company. There are many players in the market focusing on the Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual aspects of Wellness but very few help people focus on Being their Authentic selves. “We are in the business of helping people Discover their Core self, Facilitate Healthy Emotional Expression and Unlock their Potential. We do this by getting people to Embrace Conscious, Authentic and Purposeful Living (C.A.P Living). C.A.P Living is a Signature Lifestyle that enables you to Be Who You Are, Get Unstuck and Lead a Fulfilling Life”.

So, by Being Authentic, You Know Your Core Self, you no longer look for external validation, you make Conscious Decisions and start leading a Fulfilling life. If this is not Wellness, then what is? We want to position ourselves as a Wellness Company that focuses on helping you Become the Best Version of yourself through Conscious, Authentic and Purposeful Living.

He believes that one should focus on understanding oneself and the core purpose of being on this planet. “Listen to your HEART, it will never let you down. You are the Captain of your ship with your HEART as its Compass, always steering you in the right direction!”


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