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Vanshika Anandani | The Entrepreneurs of India Magazine May 2022

Ms. Vanshika Anandani is the CEO and Founder of The Colour Bucket Store. She founded the company with the objective of spreading Crystal Awareness and enriching the lives of people with mystic ways of healing. She started the store single-handedly at the tender age of 18.

Young children during their playtime would enjoy in the park or would watch fictional movies but Vanshika at the age of 5 was always keen towards knowing celestial bodies.

Today Vanshika is a Mystic Crystal Healer and a master of understanding the problems faced by people. She has successfully completed certification courses including Angelic Zibu Symbols, various levels of Colour Therapy,

Animal Symbolism. She has been gifted with the ability to decode one's dream and draw significant meaning from it, in order to help the dreamer.

Vanshika does not believe in the concept of Mistakes. They are all Experiences. The modern-day Crystal healer firmly believes in spreading her wings and soaring high while adding value to the lives of many.

Vanshika lives and abides by the saying "Kindness is an investment, Good Karma is the Return.

“Behind every young child who believes in himself is a parent who believed first.” Vanshika believes having a family that fully understands and supports the journey that entrepreneurs take is a factor in one’s longevity in the business world. The Founder’s parents and siblings are extremely supportive and proud that she at a tender age has embraced the spiritual world which is quite uncommon for the youth today. They are Vanshika's biggest power and source of strength.

The Mystic Healer’s parents have always told her one thing “Always give without remembering and always receive without forgetting.”

For an 18-year-old to embark on a journey into the unknown business world was surely a task. With a bare minimum investment and no team to back up but a heart full of hope and eyes full of glitter was enough to kick start. She founded her company with the help of her uncle, whom she considers her second Dad.

The initial product line for the store was designed by both of them, time and effort were put through days and nights to give a pair of wings to the store.

But in June 2019, Vanshika couldn’t fathom the loss of her uncle. The biggest challenge faced by her which was not only a loss for her company but also a huge personal loss to Vanshika. The one thing that kept her going was the words of her uncle, “Keep Moving Forward, I Love You Doll!”

The Colour Bucket Store cherishes his memory and knows that he is like the little sunshine, always protecting and guiding Vanshika, enlightening her path towards success. Vanshika believes in the matter of Faith. Trust the Universe and do not Give up because the Universe always falls for a Stubborn Heart. Count on the Power of Manifestations and allow your Life to take a Positive turn!!!


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