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Archana Das and Aneema Jena | How two pet lovers are revolutionizing the Canine Nutrition Industry!

Archana Das and Aneema Jena: As pet lovers and entrepreneurs in the fresh pet food industry, we have learned so much about the importance of providing our furry friends with balanced, nutritious meals. It's been a thrilling adventure so far, filled with valuable lessons, growth, and achievements.

One of the biggest hurdles we've faced is the limited understanding of the importance of fresh food for pets, even amongst lifelong pet owners. While people are very conscious of what they themselves eat, for their pets, they still prioritize the convenience of kibble over the balanced nutrition that fresh food provides.

To overcome this, we've made it our mission to proactively educate pet owners through dog events, camps, interactive Instagram Live sessions, and various other platforms.

Our three dogs, Bira, Layla, and Loki, have been instrumental in pushing us to do better for them and extend the same courtesy to other dogs. They've been our constant companions and have taught us so much about the importance of fresh, balanced meals for optimal health.

As entrepreneurs, we've gained a host of valuable lessons - patience, openness, and being receptive have been the most important ones.

Our journey has been a roller-coaster ride, filled with ups and downs, but we've experienced some significant milestones along the way. One of our proudest achievements has been helping numerous pet owners transition their dogs from processed food to fresh, balanced meals.

We've also successfully expanded our product line to offering dehydrated treats that are single ingredient with no preservatives or additives.

We're delighted to have experienced steady growth in our customer base, attracting dog owners who prioritize their pets' health and understand the importance of fresh, balanced nutrition. We've received testimonials and positive feedback from satisfied customers who have witnessed remarkable transformations in their dogs' health after adopting our meals.

As the pet fresh food industry in India continues to witness significant growth and transformation, we're excited to be a part of this change.

We believe that food is medicine and we trust in the power of fresh balanced food for our pets. As pet owners, we owe it our furry friends to provide them with the best nutrition possible, and we're proud to be part of this movement towards healthier and happier pets.

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